Tired of killing all your applications one at a time when you've run out of memory, or you would just like to start clean? Then you need “Quit All Applications”!
“Quit All Applications” quits all your applications in one step, and is designed to be completely unobtrusive. When you select “Quit All Applications”, each of your applications are told to quit, no questions asked, just like when you select “Restart” or “Shut Down”.
Drag “Quit All Applications” into your "Apple Menu Items" folder in your system folder. That’s it! Now you can “Quit All Applications” from within almost any application.
You can quit the Finder (along with all your applications) by pressing either the Command Key or the Control Key when you launch “Quit All Applications”. The Finder will automatically relaunch. And if you hold down the command and option keys when the Finder relaunches, the Desktop file will be rebuilt.
Should “Quit All Applications” ever fail to quit itself (an event which has Never occured during testing!), just type command-period to quit.
Quit All is FreeWare, and may be distributed without charge.
Send any comments, suggestions, and thanks by e-mail to
or by post to:
David Giandomenico
4 Waverley Drive
Camberley, Surrey GU15-2DL
Quit Kill Terminate Utility Finder AppleEvents QuitAll All Applications
Technical Note:
“Quit All Applications” sends a 'quia' AppleEvent to the Finder, which then kills all processes, including those that do not support AppleEvents. “Quit All Applications” does not kill background jobs. “Quit All Applications” was developed using Symantec Think C 6.0.1. Source may be made available on request.